Ok peeps we need to figure out what fridays are open to do things. We also need to decide what to do first. I am having you be apart of this decision making process for your benefit. If your dying to do something right away tell me. I dont want to plan something and have people say oh well it was ok.
Ok so I am not available to do stuff on these dates
October 1 - goin to a wedding
October 15 - Im going to Another Anime Convention in NH all of you should join me its fun
November 12- leaving at night to go to VT but I would still go to club
December 24- X-mas eve so yeah no club then guys lol i know you knew that one
Days Im not there please have club without me and have fun.
I will look into working out an arrangement with my grandfather to be able to use his car for an early release. I could only fit 4 other people but we could use it to go to Karma or the sushi place in Concord.
Lets get this club poppin!